Books for Foodies

Whether you’re a beginner, an apprentice, or an amateur passionate about food, this collection of specially curated books is designed just for you.

Tartes Marbrées - Irvin Pastry

Price 24.90€
Tartes marbrées d'Irvin Pastry: 50 recettes colorées et carrément gourmandes

Pan - Xavier Barriga

Price 19.90€
Updated version of Bread, with five new and original bread recipes based on new cereals such as spelt, buckwheat or quinoa.

Cookies & Crumbs - Kaja Hengstenberg

Price 34.90€
These are recipes that will show you how to make seriously good cookies every single time.

La Bible de la Confiture - Sandrine Maquet

Price 29.90€
The new reference book on homemade jams!

Angleterre: Tea, piccalilli, pasty - Aurélie Bellacicco, Sarah Lachhab

Price 29.90€
In this book, Aurélie Bellacicco and Sarah Lachhab have put together  60 recipes that will make you love England, with plenty of vegan...

Modernist Bread at Home - Francisco Migoya

Price 114.00€
Modernist Bread at Home is an indispensable cookbook for anyone who is passionate about making their own bread. By Nathan Myhrvold and...

Spain: The Cookbook

Price 47.45€
The bestselling book on traditional and authentic Spanish home cooking , with 1,080 easy-to-follow recipes

El Mejor Pan Del Mundo - Domi Vélez

Price 34.15€
Domi Vélez has revolutionized the world of bakery with traditional, nutritious and healthy methods to find the best bread in the world. 
