Professional Books

Books For Chefs is the largest online platform for gastronomic books in the world. We publish professional books for beginners or to perfect different pastry, chocolate making, ice cream making, baking, cuisine and bread disciplines. Our book authors are professional chefs with international recognition. Among them we find Ramon Morató, Amaury Guichon, Cédric Grolet, Xavi Donnay, Antonio Bachour, Frank Haasnoot, David Gil, Ksenia Penkina, Yohan Ferrant, Garuharu, and many more. Discover the best professional books on pastry, chocolate, ice cream, haute cuisine, baking and pastries with countless recipes.

El gran manual del pastelero

Price 25.00€
This book will help you understand, learn and master 100 recipes of the most authentic pastry.

El gran manual del chocolatero

Price 30.00€
100 recipes of pure chocolate

El gran manual del panadero

Price 30.00€
La pâtisserie à l'EHL livre de École hôtelière de Lausanne

La pâtisserie à l'EHL - École hôtelière de Lausanne

Price 39.00€
Pour tous les fans de pâtisserie, les recettes pleines de pep enseignées aux étudiants de l’école hôtelière la plus prestigieuse du monde!

Ferran Adrià - Cocoa and Chocolate Sapiens. From the cocoa plant and into chocolate (Bullipedia)

Price 58.90€
Through the Sapiens methodology created by Ferran Adrià and elBullifoundation , the aim is to understand chocolate and cocoa.

Fundamentos Científicos de la Heladería

Price 20.00€
The University of Alicante brings together a complete approach to the world of ice cream from different aspects such as chemistry and food...