Saber y Sabor

Techniques and concepts that turn a chef, a kitchen, a restaurant into something out of the ordinary. That is the core of the contents of Saber y Sabor, the magazine in spanish that has accompanied avant-garde chefs in Spain for the last 25 years.

saber y sabor 177 - I/2020 (ene-feb-mar)

Price 15.90€

saber y sabor 178 - II/2020 (abr-may-jun)

Price 15.90€

saber y sabor 179 - III/2020 (jul-ago-sep)

Price 15.90€

saber y sabor 185 - IV/2021 (oct-nov-dec)

Price 15.90€

Petit Fours saber y sabor 186 / book 2022

Price 15.00€
Petit Fours: sweet bites to complete a menu

saber y sabor 189 - III/2022

Price 15.90€
Haute cuisine magazine

Saber y Sabor 192 - I/2023

Price 15.90€
Best Haute Cuisine Magazine 110 pages full of recipes, reflections and ideas by chefs with 11 Michelin stars and 24 dishes with a complete...
Saber y Sabor 193. Best Haute Cuisine Magazine

Saber y Sabor 193 - II/2023

Price 15.90€
Best haute cuisine magazine In total,  130 pages  for an intense journey that includes more than 30 dishes with recipes....

30 platos que han cambiado la cocina / saber y sabor 191

Price 20.00€
Best haute cuisine magazine Subscribe now

Digital - 30 platos que han cambiado la cocina / saber y sabor 191

Price 15.90€
Best haute cuisine magazine Subscribe now

Saber y Sabor 194 - III/2023

Price 15.90€
Best haute cuisine magazine Berasategui forever. More than 100 pages with interviews and 24 dishes with recipes. Subscribe now
Best haute cuisine magazine. Revista Saber y Sabor 195

Saber y Sabor 195 - IV/2023

Price 15.90€
In total, more than 130 pages containing interviews, techniques, ideas and more than 30 dishes with recipes .