
Learn how to make chocolate and perfect the technique with the best chocolatiers in the world. Discover recipes for cakes, chocolate mousses, desserts, chocolate decorations, jellies, whipped creams, pralines and glazes.

Casa Cacao - Jordi Roca

Price 35.00€
This book describes the search undertaken by Jordi Roca from that moment on. The aim is to re-learn to know cocoa in order to continue advancing:...
Pralinarium book by Andrey Dubovik. It is a handbook on praline design with augmented reality tutorials

Pralinarium - Andrey Dubovik

Price 139.00€
Handbook on praline design with augmented reality tutorials
Cocoa book by Damien Wager. Petit Gateaux, Macarons, Tarts, Snacks, Macarons, Vegan creations and Travel-Cakes recipes

Cocoa - Damien Wager

Price 79.90€
Petit Gateaux, Macarons, Tarts, Snacks, Macarons, Vegan creations and Travel-Cakes, all of which feature cocoa powder as a prominent...

El gran manual del chocolatero

Price 30.00€
100 recipes of pure chocolate

Ferran Adrià - Cocoa and Chocolate Sapiens. From the cocoa plant and into chocolate (Bullipedia)

Price 58.90€
Through the Sapiens methodology created by Ferran Adrià and elBullifoundation , the aim is to understand chocolate and cocoa.
The Science of Chocolate

The Science of Chocolate

Price 39.00€
The Science of Chocolate leads the reader to an understanding of the complete chocolate making process and includes the ways in which basic...