Professional Pastry Base Recipe - EPGB
The EPGB gathers all the artisan pastry in 230 fundamental recipes, 100% accurate, and only for professionals.
Trends in travel pastry, mini pastry, renovated classics, and the latest applications with chocolate. Magazine in spanish.
The gentle tropical breeze caresses us all the way from the cover of Alexis Garcia and his pastry that perfectly pairs chocolate with the products of proximity of the Canary Islands. The events that have marked the present and that at the same time have gathered some of the most talented chefs of the moment are analyzed with recipes included in the pages of this issue: either the Master of Chocolate of the EPGB, the meeting of the Collective 21 Brix on travel cakes, or the Ice Cream World Cup in which Spain took home the silver. The renovated classics by Miquel Guarro and Marike Van Beurden, the mini pastry of Xavi Donnay and Andrea Dopico, and the latest proposals by figures such as Stéphane Leroux, David Gil, and Yann Duytsche join a more than 200-page pastry creativity festival.
Tercer Premio Mejor Pasta de Té de España. Un vencedor y 160 ganadores
Miquel Guarro. Mucho más que una sacher
Stéphane Leroux. Innovación y técnicas al servicio del chocolate artístico
Xavi Donnay. Bocados en las estrellas
Lucila Canero. Una carta dulce nada habitual
Alexis García. Savoir-faire y latido canario
Hojaldrería. Un templo para el dios hojaldre
Master EPGB. Todo sobre el chocolate y más
Yann Duytsche. Para todos
Marike van Beurden. Personalizando
David Gil. Divertimentos
Santiago Corral y Leti Otamendi. Postres con historia
Colectivo 21ºBrix. Mucho más que compartir recetas
Pascua Temporada 2018. Las monas más tiernas y personales
Copa del Mundo de la Heladería. A un paso del Olimpo
Guía de proveedores
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