Shall we cross the border?
In this new edition of Dulcypas, we cross many borders, and not only geographical ones. Sometimes a change of perspective is needed to evolve and take pastry to another stage. How many mental boundaries prevent you from moving forward?
Torreblanca moves to Madrid to open a top-level school. Matías Veleda or Natalya Prokopenko have traveled many kilometers before making their respective patisseries a reality. The Spanish Bakery Champion Samuel Suárez, the author of an essential book of adapted recipes, Leyre Pedrazuela, and the movements towards a greener pastry such as those carried out by Toni Rodríguez and Lucila Canero will also invite you to go beyond your technical and conceptual limits.
Ready to change? And you will still find other great references in this issue: the latest from Luciano García, the philosophy of a true father of modern pastry, Philippe Conticini, the head of the masses Jordi Morelló, Jorge Gil Yuste from Alicante, and Gerard and Esther from Forn Gil in Barcelona.
pastry, Philippe Conticini, the head of the masses Jordi Morelló, Jorge Gil Yuste from Alicante, and Gerard and Esther from Forn Gil in Barcelona.
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