Obsession - Oriol Balaguer
obsession is the expression of a creator in his highest professional fulfillment. Oriol Balaguer leaves his mark on a work of great beauty that...
Torreblancas, Mampel, Balaguer, Morató, Pujol and Sierra, seven Best Artisan Pastry Chefs of Spain reunited with a common goal: to unleash their creativity
They are seven of Spain’s champions. But they are more than that. They are seven grand professionals who, in their careers, have not stopped evolving and who are the protagonists in Spanish patisserie. Seven personalities, seven different styles, seven ways of understanding this work. Seven winners who have worked hard to achieve their success. And for those who are starting to take their first steps in this sweet adventure, they are seven role models to look up to. They are definitely seven great masters in Spain’s modern patisserie.
Some might notice the absence of a name, and quite possibly with reason. In fact, it is possible to add others to this cast of Spain’s patisserie masters, others who have achieved a great deal in this work. But what cannot be disputed, at least in our point of view, is that these seven are the ones who stand out. Each of the seven patissiers has demonstrated personality, their own style, creativity, and enough contributions to the sector to be able to form part of the movement we call new Spanish patisserie, something which we claim in this book.
Paco Torreblanca is the origin, the beginning, and without a doubt ahead of his time. He is the father of modern patisserie in this country and one of the most respected names in the whole world.
Oriol Balaguer is art patisserie. He is a collector and designer’s patisserie in Barcelona, Madrid, Tokyo y Riyadh.
Jordi Pujol is practicality, functionality, the value of order and simplicity. His is a patisserie of architecture, rationality, and the straight line.
Ramon Morató is chocolate’s theory and practice. He is didactic and is patisserie’s wise common thread. He is knowledge.
Carles Mampel is the total chef, both in sweet and savory recipes. He is instinct, spontaneous creativity, and the spark.
Miguel Sierra is renovation within renovation. He is conceptual patisserie, of fusion with the environment and of an eternal search.
And Jacob Torreblanca is the future continuity of the initial path. He is love for the trade, permanent apprenticeship and a will for constant improvement.
They all have something in common – they all hold the title of Best Master Artisan Pastry Chef of Spain (MMAPE). But above all their collective awards and titles, they all coincide in what is most essential: a great respect for the trade, a desire for doing things well, perfection as an objective, constant evolution, generosity at the moment of sharing, an unlimited will to grow, and creativity as a virtue.
These seven patissier have all earned a distinguished place in the vanguard of the always-praised Spanish gastronomy.
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